Monday 6 September 2010

What if...?

…You could have the benefits of a 5×4 monorail with the convenience of a digital camera without it costing £10k and the rest ? Well, if you’ve got an old darkslide and a Nikon extention tube that you don’t mind butchering, then you can cobble the two together and create this ! I pulled the extension tube apart to get at the bayonet and then screwed that to the darkslide. I then marked where the hole needed to appear and drilled/filed it into shape, rescrewed on the tube, cut the sides away to allow for the fixing sliders to hold it into position and reinforced it with bits of meccano to stop the weight of the camera from pulling the whole thing out and Bob’s your uncle, a hideous looking monstrosity that actually works ! Not that i’d turn up on an actual job with it mind…